Price: $13.99 (Physical copy), $9.99 (Digital copy)
Brand: The EDU - Station
Material: regular
No. of Pages: varies
Product Details:
The Fun and Quick Way To Learn About the 50 States of America
- For your child who enjoys historical facts about persons and places
- For those who needed a quick, introductory walkthrough of what 50 States are and what they are about
- If you need an enjoyable way to introduce your child to US geography and history.
Fun and educational resource that you can use as a guide, teaching material, and even a supplementary tool to homeschooling/ online classes!
Every time you buy from us, you help send Ma’ya and Ja’Shawn to college.
Our family-owned business has one goal: through our products, we will be able to raise funds so that our kids will not be burdened by college debt once they go to school.
All the profits we raise in this endeavor will be channeled to their college savings fund.
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